Thanks so much for following us on this journey
We don't particularly like cranking out posts & filling bandwidth just for the sake of it, we feel it does have to have some meaning & be relevant to our business, but there has been a heap that’s happened over the past year or so for our brand that we really haven’t showcased yet.
On a side note.. we love photography in case you haven’t guessed. Out of all the gear we possess, the camera has ended up being one of the most important to us, and we don’t even have that expensive of a camera, but learning to work in manual rather than auto has been a game changer. This year we plan to brush up on our technical knowhow, that way we can get more experimental & zany with our shots🤓.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the shear amount of content on social media but we just wanted to say thanks so much for following us on this journey & engaging with us.
We don't have comments enabled here on our website because of the relentless amount of spam that we have to wade through (spoiling it for decent folk) but if there's any particular style or type of posts that you’d like to see more of, just drop us a line through the contact page or dm us on instagram, we'd love to hear from you!